This Week’s Scraped Lunch Menus
Last Update: 2025-01-24 10:00:59
Note: English text is (mostly) Google-translated from German menus and may therefore be inaccurate (or bad, or funny, or all of the above). Click (or tap) on a weekday to expand that day’s menu.
Baschly | Meat | Penne Bolognese mit hausgemachter Fleischsoße, serviert mit grünem Salat | Link | |
Baschly | Meat | Penne Bolognese with homemade meat sauce, served with green salad | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Penne Arrabiata mit würziger Tomatensoße und einem Hauch Chili, serviert mit grünem Salat | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Penne Arrabiata with spicy tomato sauce and a hint of chilli, served with green salad | Link | |
Das Campus Hot Stuff | Das Campus Hot Stuff only posts their lunch options on Facebook, so please follow the link to your right if you want to access their menu. | Link | ||
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Gebratener Reis mit Tofu Ar | Link | |
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Fried rice with tofu AR | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Schopfsteak mit Wedges und Knoblauchdip | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Schopfsteak with wedges and garlic dip | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Chili Sin Carne mit Weißbrot Vegan | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Chili sin carne with white bread vegan | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Tempura Garnelen Bento | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Tempura shrimp bento | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Lachs Bento | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Salmon Bento | Link | |
Finn | Soup | E Eängerhachte Gelfiüsesuppe | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Einigenhacht gel fi cs soup | Link | |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Tikka Masalamit Basmati Reis (L) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Tikka Masala with Basmati Reis (L) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Veggi Paella(AFL) | 13.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Veggi Paella (AFL) | 13.90 | Link |
Library | Meat | Rindfleisch-Enchiladas: Reis, Bohnen, Guacamole, Salsa und Salat. | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Meat | Beef Enchiladas: rice, beans, guacamole, salsa and lettuce. (A, F, G)MEAT€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Bohnen-Enchiladas: Reis, Bohnen, Guacamole, Salsa und Salat. | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Bean Enchiladas: rice, beans, guacamole, salsa and lettuce.(A, F, G)VEGGIE€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Mensa | Faschierter Braten (Schwein) | Kartoffelpüree | Saft | Röstzwiebel A,C,G,L,M,O | Link | ||
Mensa | Fascated roast (pig) |Potato puree |Juice |RöstWiebel A, C, G, L, M, O | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Link | ||
Mensa | Global & Grill | Sloppy Joe Burger | minced Beef | Wedges | Knoblauchdip A,G,N | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | Sloppy Joe Burger |Minced Beef |Wedges |Knoblauchdip A, G, N | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Faschierter Braten (Schwein) | Kartoffelpüree | Saft | Röstzwiebel A,C,G,L,M,O | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Fascated roast (pig) |Potato puree |Juice |RöstWiebel A, C, G, L, M, O | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Hausgemachte Pasta (A) Hausgemachte Gnocchi (A,C,G) wahlweise Tomatensauce oder Pesto Rinder Bolognese Aufpreis | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Homemade pasta (a) homemade gnocchi (a, c, g) optionally tomato sauce or pesto cattle bolognese surcharge | Link | |
Mensa | Pizza & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Pizza & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Makkaroni-Käse-Auflauf | Tomatensauce A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Macaroni cheese casserole |Tomato sauce A, C, G, L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | laut Tagesaushang | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | According to the daylike | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Klare Gemüsesuppe | Einlage A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Clear vegetable soup |Inlay A, C, G, L | Link |
Baschly | Meat | Hühner-Schnitzel natur mit Reis zartes Hühnerschnitzel und lockerem Reis | Link | |
Baschly | Meat | Chicken schnitzel nature with rice tender chicken chicken and loose rice | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Orientalischer Gemüse- Kichererbsen-Eintopf herzhaft gewürzt, serviert mit Couscous | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Oriental vegetable chickpea stew seasoned heartily, served with couscous | Link | |
Das Campus Hot Stuff | Das Campus Hot Stuff only posts their lunch options on Facebook, so please follow the link to your right if you want to access their menu. | Link | ||
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Gebratener Reis mit Tofu Ar | Link | |
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Fried rice with tofu AR | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Hühnergeschnetzeltes in Rahmsauce mit Spätzle | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Lasagne Al Forno in Paradeissauce | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Chicken sliced in cream sauce with spaetzle | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Lasagne al Forno in parade ice sauce | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Kürbis-kichererbsen-eintopf mit Zartweizen Vecan | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Käsespätzle mit Röstzwiebel Veggie | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Pumpkin-chickpea stew with tender wheat Vecan | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Käsespätzle with roasted onion veggie | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Tempura Garnelen Bento | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Tempura shrimp bento | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Lachs Bento | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Salmon Bento | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Mlnestrone | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Mlnestrone | Link | |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Biftekimit Tzatziki und Wedges (AGL) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Biftekimit Tzatziki and Wedges (AGL) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Gemüselasagne(AGLO) | 13.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Vegetable sagne (AGLO) | 13.90 | Link |
Library | Meat | Westafrikanische Erdnusssauce mit Hähnchen: geschmorte Hähnchenschenkel in Erdnusssauce, Karotten, Reis und Obstsalat | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Meat | West-african peanut sauce with chicken: braised chicken thighs in peanut sauce, carrots, rice and fruit salad (E)MEAT€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Westafrikanische Erdnusssauce: gegrillte Zucchini und Kichererbsen in Erdnusssauce, dazu Reis und Obstsalat | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | West-african peanut sauce: grilled zucchini and chickpeas in peanut sauce, with rice and fruit salad (E)VEGGIE€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Mensa | Käsekrainer | Pommes | Zwiebelsenf A,G,L,M | Link | ||
Mensa | Käsekrainer |Fries |Onion mustard a, g, l, m | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | Gebratene Eiernudeln mit Gemüse | Tofu oder Putenfleisch | Teriyaki oder Curry Sauce A,C,F,L,H,O | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | Fried egg noodles with vegetablesTofu or turkey meat |Teriyaki or curry sauce a, c, f, l, h, o | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Käsekrainer | Pommes | Zwiebelsenf A,G,L,M | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Käsekrainer |Fries |Onion mustard a, g, l, m | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Hausgemachte Pasta (A) Hausgemachte Gnocchi (A,C,G) wahlweise Tomatensauce oder Pesto Rinder Bolognese Aufpreis | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Homemade pasta (a) homemade gnocchi (a, c, g) optionally tomato sauce or pesto cattle bolognese surcharge | Link | |
Mensa | Pizza & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Pizza & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Orientalische Bulgur- Gemüsepfanne A,E,L | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Oriental Bulgur Vegetable Pan A, E, L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Gemüsecremesuppe A,L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Vegetable cream soup a, l | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Gemüsecremesuppe A,L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Vegetable cream soup a, l | Link |
Baschly | Meat | Oriental Beef Kebab Bowl mit zartem Rindfleisch, Hummus, Tahina und israelischem Salat | Link | |
Baschly | Meat | Oriental Beef Kebab Bowl with delicate beef, hummus, tahina and Israeli salad | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Hummus Sabich mit Hummus, Melanzani, israelischem Salat, 3 Falafel und Pita-Brot | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Hummus Sabich with hummus, Melanzani, Israeli salad, 3 Falafel and Pita bread | Link | |
Das Campus Hot Stuff | Das Campus Hot Stuff only posts their lunch options on Facebook, so please follow the link to your right if you want to access their menu. | Link | ||
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Gebratener Reis mit Tofu Ar | Link | |
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Fried rice with tofu AR | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Tempura Garnelen Bento | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Tempura shrimp bento | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Lachs Bento | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Salmon Bento | Link | |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Hühnerschnitzelin Sesampanade mit Erdäpfel-Mayo-Salat (ACGMLNO) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Chicken Schnitzelin Sesampanade with potato-Mayo salad (acgmlno) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Spinatknödelmit Butter, Grana und Blattsalat (ACGLO) | 13.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Spinat dumplings with butter, grana and leaf salad (aclo) | 13.90 | Link |
Library | Meat | Rindfleischpfanne: Rindfleisch und Gemüse, sautiert in einer süßen Sesam-Sojasauce mit gedämpftem Reis und Frühlingsrollen | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Meat | Beef stir fry: beef and vegetables, sauteed in a sweet sesame-soya sauce with steamed rice and spring rolls. (A, B, L, N)MEAT€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Tofu-Gemüsepfanne: gemischtes Gemüse, sautiert in einer süßen Sesam-Sojasauce mit gedämpftem Reis und Frühlingsrollen | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Tofu-vegetable stir fry: mixed vegetables, sauteed in a sweet sesame-soya sauce with steamed rice and spring rolls.(A, B, F, L, N)VEGGIE€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Mensa | Gebackenes Hühnerschnitzel | Petersilkartoffel A,C,G | Link | ||
Mensa | Baked chicken schnitzel |Petersil potato A, C, G | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Link | ||
Mensa | Global & Grill | Bao Buns Pulled Pork oder Planted Pulled BBQ A,F,G | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | Bao Buns Pulled Pork or Planted Pulled BBQ A, F, G | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Gebackenes Hühnerschnitzel | Petersilkartoffel A,C,G | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Baked chicken schnitzel |Petersil potato A, C, G | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Hausgemachte Pasta (A) Hausgemachte Gnocchi (A,C,G) wahlweise Tomatensauce oder Pesto Rinder Bolognese Aufpreis | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Homemade pasta (a) homemade gnocchi (a, c, g) optionally tomato sauce or pesto cattle bolognese surcharge | Link | |
Mensa | Pizza & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Pizza & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Zucchini- Kartoffelgulasch | Wachauer A,L | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Zucchini potato goulash |Wachauer A, L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Klare Gemüsesuppe | Einlage A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Clear vegetable soup |Inlay A, C, G, L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Klare Gemüsesuppe | Einlage A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Clear vegetable soup |Inlay A, C, G, L | Link |
Baschly | Meat | Chicken Tikka Masala auf Basmati-Reis cremig gewürzt mit feinen orientalischen Gewürzen | Link | |
Baschly | Meat | Chicken Tikka Masala on BASMATI-RISS CREMIG SHOUT THE THE FINES OF FINE OUTS | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Gefüllte Süßkartoffel mit Wok-Gemüse und Tahini-Soße | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Filled sweet potato with wok vegetables and tagini sauce | Link | |
Das Campus Hot Stuff | Das Campus Hot Stuff only posts their lunch options on Facebook, so please follow the link to your right if you want to access their menu. | Link | ||
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Gebratener Reis mit Tofu Ar | Link | |
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Fried rice with tofu AR | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Rindsgulasch mit Knödel | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Cattle with dumplings | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Gebackener Emmentaler mit Petersflerdapfeln und Preiselbeeren | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Baked Emmentaler with parishes and cranberries | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Tempura Garnelen Bento | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Tempura shrimp bento | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Lachs Bento | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Salmon Bento | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Erbsencremesuppe | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Pea cream soup | Link | |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Chili con Carnemit Basmati Reis (LO) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Chili con carnemit basmati rice (lo) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Thai-Wok-Nudelnmit Gemüse und Sojasauce (ACFLO) | 13.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Thai wok noodle with vegetables and soy sauce (AC Flo) | 13.90 | Link |
Library | Meat | Griechisches Bowl-Chicken: Bulgur-Tabbouleh, Gurken-Tomaten-Salat, gegrilltes Hähnchen, Feta, Hummus und Oliven | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Meat | Greek bowl-chicken: bulgur-tabbouleh, cucumber-tomato salad, grilled chicken, feta, hummus and olive ( A, N)MEAT€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Griechische Bowl-Falafel: Bulgur-Tabbouleh, Gurken-Tomaten-Salat, Falafel, Feta, Hummus und Oliven | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Greek bowl-falafel: bulgur-tabbouleh, cucumber-tomato salad, falafel, feta, hummus and olive. (A, N)VEGGIE€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Mensa | Schinkenfleckerl | Schnittlauch A,C,G,L | Link | ||
Mensa | Schinkenfleckerl |Chives A, C, G, L | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | Mensa Burger | Pommes Beef oder Planted 'Crispy Chicken style' A,G | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | Cafeteria burger |French fries beef or planted 'crispy chicken style' a, g | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Schinkenfleckerl | Schnittlauch A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Schinkenfleckerl |Chives A, C, G, L | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Hausgemachte Pasta (A) Hausgemachte Gnocchi (A,C,G) wahlweise Tomatensauce oder Pesto Rinder Bolognese Aufpreis | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Homemade pasta (a) homemade gnocchi (a, c, g) optionally tomato sauce or pesto cattle bolognese surcharge | Link | |
Mensa | Pizza & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Pizza & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Hausgemachter Kaiserschmarrn | Apfelmus oder Zwetschkenröster A,C,G | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Homemade Kaiserschmarrn |Applei or plum roaster A, C, G | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Tomatencremesuppe A,L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Tomato cream soup a, l | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Tomatencremesuppe A,L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Tomato cream soup a, l | Link |
Baschly | Meat | Fischfilet mit Kartoffelsalat, goldbraun gebraten und erfrischendem Kartoffelsalat | Link | |
Baschly | Meat | Fish fillet with potato salad, fried golden brown and refreshing potato salad | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Baschly Falafel Teller mit Falafel, Hummus, israelischem Salat, Tahina und Pita-Brot | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Baschly Falafel Telle with Falafel, Hummus, Israeli Salad, Tafina and Pita bread | Link | |
Das Campus Hot Stuff | Das Campus Hot Stuff only posts their lunch options on Facebook, so please follow the link to your right if you want to access their menu. | Link | ||
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Gebratener Reis mit Tofu Ar | Link | |
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Fried rice with tofu AR | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Alaska Seelachs im Backteig mit Erdäpfel-Mayo-Salat | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Alaska Sauach in the baking dough with potato-Mayo salad | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Chana Dal mit Rosinenreis Vegan | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Chana Dal with a raisin rice vegan | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Tempura Garnelen Bento | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Tempura shrimp bento | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Lachs Bento | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Salmon Bento | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Brokkollcremesuppe | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Brocade | Link | |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Fish & Chipsmit Erbsenpüree (ACDG) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Fish & Chipsmit Erbsen puree (ACDG) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Steinpilz-Gorgonzola Arancini(GLO) | 13.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Stone mushroom gorgonzola Arancini (Glo) | 13.90 | Link |
Library | Meat | Meeresfrüchte-Tomaten-Eintopf: Couscous und frischer grüner Salat | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Meat | Seafood tomato-stew: couscous and fresh green salad ( A, B, G)MEAT€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Cremige Gemüsenudeln: weiße Käsesauce, Gemüse, Nudeln und frischer grüner Salat | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Creamy vegetable pasta: white cheese sauce, vegetables, pasta and fresh green salad (A, G)VEGGIE€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Mensa | Gebackener Seelachs | Petersil-Erdäpfel | Sc. Tartare A,C,D,G,M | Link | ||
Mensa | Baked salmon |Petersil Erdäpfel |Sc.Tartare A, C, D, G, M | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | XXX | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | XXX | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Gebackener Seelachs | Petersil-Erdäpfel | Sc. Tartare A,C,D,G,M | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Baked salmon |Petersil Erdäpfel |Sc.Tartare A, C, D, G, M | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Hausgemachte Pasta (A) Hausgemachte Gnocchi (A,C,G) wahlweise Tomatensauce oder Pesto Rinder Bolognese Aufpreis | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Homemade pasta (a) homemade gnocchi (a, c, g) optionally tomato sauce or pesto cattle bolognese surcharge | Link | |
Mensa | Pizza & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Pizza & Co | Pizza Margherita Pizza Speciale | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Knoblauchdip | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Garlic dip | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Klare Gemüsesuppe | Einlage A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Clear vegetable soup |Inlay A, C, G, L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Klare Gemüsesuppe | Einlage A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Clear vegetable soup |Inlay A, C, G, L | Link |