This Week’s Scraped Lunch Menus
Last Update: 2024-12-18 12:00:33
Note: English text is (mostly) Google-translated from German menus and may therefore be inaccurate (or bad, or funny, or all of the above). Click (or tap) on a weekday to expand that day’s menu.
Baschly | Meat | Thai-Panang-Curry mit Kokos, Huhn und Reis | Link | |
Baschly | Meat | Thai panang curry with coconut, chicken and rice | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Vollkorn-Penne mit frischen Pomodorini, Parmesan und Rucola | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Whole grain penne with fresh pomodorini, parmesan and arugula | Link | |
Das Campus Hot Stuff | Das Campus Hot Stuff only posts their lunch options on Facebook, so please follow the link to your right if you want to access their menu. | Link | ||
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Tempura Garnelen mit Reis und Salat | Link | |
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Tempura shrimp with rice and salad | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Gebratene Barbarie Entenbrust mit Rotkraut | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Fried barbarie duck breast with red cabbage | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Bifteki mit würzigem Bulgur und Tzatziki | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Bifteki with spicy Bulgur and Tzatziki | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Kärntner Kasnudeln mit brauner Butter Veggie | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Carinthian Kaspaseln with brown butter veggie | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Red Thai Chicken | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Red Thai Chicken | Link | |
Finn | M5 | Lachs Bento | Link | |
Finn | M5 | Salmon Bento | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Klare Gemuseéußpemlt Relbte | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Clear Gemuséußpemlt relbte | Link | |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Hühner-Ziegenkäse Tartemit Rucola (ACGL) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Chicken goat cheese Tartemit Rucola (Acl) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Gebackene Champignonsmit Blattsalat und Sauce Tartare (ACGL) | 13.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Baked mushroom letters and sauce tartare (acl) | 13.90 | Link |
Library | Meat | Beef-Hard-Tacos: Mariniertes Rinderhackfleisch, serviert mit Reis und Guacamole, Salsa und Salat | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Meat | Beef-hard-tacos: marinated minced beef, served with rice and guacamole, salsa and salad (A, G)MEAT€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Tofu-Hard-Tacos: Marinierter Tofu, serviert mit Reis und Guacamole, Salsa und Salat | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Tofu-hard-tacos: marinated tofu, served with rice and guacamole, salsa and salad (A, G)VEGGIE€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Mensa | Köttbullar | Kartoffelpüree | Zuckererbsen | Jus A,C,G,L,M | Link | ||
Mensa | Köttbullar |Potato puree |Sugar peas |JUS A, C, G, L, M | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Link | ||
Mensa | Global & Grill | Philliy Turkey Cheese Steak Sandwich | Steakhouse Fries| Dip | Red Slaw A,G,L,H | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | Philly Turkey Cheese Steak Sandwich |Steakhouse Fries |DIP |Red Slaw A, G, L, H | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Köttbullar | Kartoffelpüree | Zuckererbsen | Jus A,C,G,L,M | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Köttbullar |Potato puree |Sugar peas |JUS A, C, G, L, M | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Hausgemachte Pasta (A) Hausgemachte Gnocchi (A,C,G) wahlweise Tomatensauce oder Pesto Rinder Bolognese Aufpreis | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Homemade pasta (a) homemade gnocchi (a, c, g) optionally tomato sauce or pesto cattle bolognese surcharge | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Marrokanische Tajine mit Süsskartoffel, Karotten & Aprikosen | Chili Cous Cous A,L | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Moroccan tajine with sweet potato, carrots & apricots |Chili couscous a, l | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | laut Tagesaushang | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | According to the daylike | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Klare Gemüsesuppe | Einlage A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Clear vegetable soup |Inlay A, C, G, L | Link |
Baschly | Meat | Butter Chicken Masala mit Reis | Link | |
Baschly | Meat | Butter chicken masala with rice | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Linsen-Curry mit Spinat, Gemüse und Reis | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Linsen curry with spinach, vegetables and rice | Link | |
Das Campus Hot Stuff | Das Campus Hot Stuff only posts their lunch options on Facebook, so please follow the link to your right if you want to access their menu. | Link | ||
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Tempura Garnelen mit Reis und Salat | Link | |
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Tempura shrimp with rice and salad | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Gebratene Barbarie Entenbrust mit Rotkraut | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Fried barbarie duck breast with red cabbage | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Hühnergeschnetzeltes mit Paprikasauce und Spätzle | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Chicken sliced with paprika sauce and spaetzle | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Chana Dal mit Safranreis und Raita Veggie | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Chana Dal with saffron rice and Raita veggie | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Red Thai Chicken | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Red Thai Chicken | Link | |
Finn | M5 | Lachs Bento | Link | |
Finn | M5 | Salmon Bento | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Broccollcremesuppe | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Broccolicremes soup | Link | |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Stroganoff vom Schweinmit Basmati Reis (GLOM) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Stroganoff from the pig with Basmati Reis (Glom) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Erdäpfel-Brokkoli-Auflaufmit Kräutersauce (ACG) | 13.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Potato-broccoli casserole with herbal sauce (ACG) | 13.90 | Link |
Library | Meat | Kürbis-Hühner-Suppe: eine herzhafte Suppe mit einem gegrillten Käsesandwich | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Meat | Pumpkin-chicken-soup: a herty soup with a grilled cheese sandwich (A, G, L)MEAT€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Kürbissuppe mit weißen Bohnen: eine herzhafte Suppe mit Gemüse und gegrilltem Käsesandwich | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | White beand pumpkin soup: a hearty soup filled with vegetables and grilled cheese sandwich (A, G, L)VEGGIE€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Mensa | Ungarisches Reisfleisch | Rote Paprikasauce (Schwein) L | Link | ||
Mensa | Hungarian rice meat |Red pepper sauce (pig) L | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Ungarisches Reisfleisch | Rote Paprikasauce (Schwein) L | Link | |
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Hungarian rice meat |Red pepper sauce (pig) L | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | Sloppy Joe Burger | Wedges A,G,L,N | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | Sloppy Joe Burger |Wedges A, G, L, N | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Ungarisches Reisfleisch | Rote Paprikasauce (Schwein) L | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Hungarian rice meat |Red pepper sauce (pig) L | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Hausgemachte Pasta (A) Hausgemachte Gnocchi (A,C,G) wahlweise Tomatensauce oder Pesto Rinder Bolognese Aufpreis | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Homemade pasta (a) homemade gnocchi (a, c, g) optionally tomato sauce or pesto cattle bolognese surcharge | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Geröstete Knödel mit Ei | Schnittlauch A,C,G | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Roasted dumplings with egg |Chives A, C, G | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Karfiolcremesuppe A,L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Carfiol cream soup a, l | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Karfiolcremesuppe A,L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Carfiol cream soup a, l | Link |
Baschly | Meat | Gebratener Gemüse-Wok mit Hühner- Schnitzel und Reis | Link | |
Baschly | Meat | Fried vegetable wok with chicken schnitzel and rice | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Rotes Thai-Kokos-Gemüsecurry mit Reis | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Red Thai-Kokos vegetable curry with rice | Link | |
Das Campus Hot Stuff | Das Campus Hot Stuff only posts their lunch options on Facebook, so please follow the link to your right if you want to access their menu. | Link | ||
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Tempura Garnelen mit Reis und Salat | Link | |
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Tempura shrimp with rice and salad | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Gebratene Barbarie Entenbrust mit Rotkraut | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Fried barbarie duck breast with red cabbage | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Schopfsteak mit Wedges und Sour Creme | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Schopfsteak with wedges and sour cream | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Geschmorte Melanzani im Paradeissauce und Schafskäse Veggie | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Braied Melanzani in parade ice sauce and sheep's cheese veggie | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Red Thai Chicken | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Red Thai Chicken | Link | |
Finn | M5 | Lachs Bento | Link | |
Finn | M5 | Salmon Bento | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Gemüse-Einmachsuppe | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Vegetable soup | Link | |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Cordon Bleumit Petersilerdäpfeln (ACGM) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Cordon Bleumit Petersilerdäpfeln (ACGM) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Gnocchiin Waldpilzsauce(AGO) | 13.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Gnocchiin forest mushroom sauce (AGO) | 13.90 | Link |
Library | Meat | Truthahn-Weihnachtsessen: gebratener Truthahn, Kartoffelpüree, Soße, grüne Bohnen, Brotfüllung und Preiselbeersauce | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Meat | Turkey christmas dinner: roasted turkey, mashed potato, gravy, green beans, bread stuffing and cranberry sauce (A, G, L)MEAT€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Weihnachtsessen: gegrillte Portobello-Pilze, Kartoffelpüree, Soße, grüne Bohnen, Brotfüllung und Preiselbeersauce | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Christmas dinner: grilled portobello mushrooms, mashed potato, gravy, green beans, bread stuffing and cranberry sauce(A, G, L)VEGGIE€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Mensa | Gebackenes Hühnerschnitzel | Petersilkartoffel A,C,G | Link | ||
Mensa | Baked chicken schnitzel |Petersil potato A, C, G | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Link | ||
Mensa | Global & Grill | Bao Buns Pulled Pork oder Planted Pulled BBQ A,F,G | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | Bao Buns Pulled Pork or Planted Pulled BBQ A, F, G | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Gebackenes Hühnerschnitzel | Petersilkartoffel A,C,G | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Baked chicken schnitzel |Petersil potato A, C, G | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Hausgemachte Pasta (A) Hausgemachte Gnocchi (A,C,G) wahlweise Tomatensauce oder Pesto Rinder Bolognese Aufpreis | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Homemade pasta (a) homemade gnocchi (a, c, g) optionally tomato sauce or pesto cattle bolognese surcharge | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Kürbisrisotto | Ruccola & Sonnenblumenkerne A,O,L | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Pumpkin risotto |Rucola and sunflower seeds A, O, L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Klare Gemüsesuppe | Einlage A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Clear vegetable soup |Inlay A, C, G, L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Klare Gemüsesuppe | Einlage A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Clear vegetable soup |Inlay A, C, G, L | Link |
Baschly | Meat | Hummus mit Shawarma, Pita und Salat | Link | |
Baschly | Meat | Hummus with Shawarma, Pita and Salad | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Kürbis-Risotto mit Parmesan auf Rucola-Salat | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Pumpkin risotto with Parmesan on Rucola salad | Link | |
Das Campus Hot Stuff | Das Campus Hot Stuff only posts their lunch options on Facebook, so please follow the link to your right if you want to access their menu. | Link | ||
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Tempura Garnelen mit Reis und Salat | Link | |
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Tempura shrimp with rice and salad | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Gebratene Barbarie Entenbrust mit Rotkraut | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Fried barbarie duck breast with red cabbage | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Crispy Chicken Strips mit Erdäpfel-Vogerisalat | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Crispy chicken strips with potato voger lettuce | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Käsespätzle mit Spinat Veggie | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Käsespätzle with spinach veggie | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Red Thai Chicken | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Red Thai Chicken | Link | |
Finn | M5 | Lachs Bento | Link | |
Finn | M5 | Salmon Bento | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Kurblscremesuppe | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Bracket cream soup | Link | |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Hühnercurrymit Basmati Reis (LO) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Chicken Currymit Basmati Reis (LO) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Eiernockerlmit Blattsalat (ACG) | 13.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Eierockerl with leaf salad (ACG) | 13.90 | Link |
Library | Meat | Indisches Rindfleisch-Curry: gedämpfte Karotten, frischer Jasminreis und Mangojoghurt | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Meat | Indian beef curry: steamed carrots, fresh jasmine rice and mango youghurt ( A, G)MEAT€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Linsen-Blumenkohl-Curry mit gedämpftem Jasminreis und Mango-Joghurt | 10.00 | Link |
Library | Veggie | Lentil cauliflower curry with steamed jasmin rice and mango youghurt (A, H, G)VEGGIE€ 10,00 | 10.00 | Link |
Mensa | Schweinsbraten | Sauerkraut | Knödel A,C,G,L,O | Link | ||
Mensa | Roast pork |Sauerkraut |Dumplings A, C, G, L, O | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Schweinsbraten | Sauerkraut | Knödel A,C,G,L,O | Link | |
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Roast pork |Sauerkraut |Dumplings A, C, G, L, O | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | XXX | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | XXX | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Schweinsbraten | Sauerkraut | Knödel A,C,G,L,O | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Roast pork |Sauerkraut |Dumplings A, C, G, L, O | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Hausgemachte Pasta (A) Hausgemachte Gnocchi (A,C,G) wahlweise Tomatensauce oder Pesto Rinder Bolognese Aufpreis | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Homemade pasta (a) homemade gnocchi (a, c, g) optionally tomato sauce or pesto cattle bolognese surcharge | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Bunte Gemüse- Eblypfanne | Kräuter- Sojajoghurt A,F | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Colorful vegetable EBLY pan |Herbal soy yogurt a, f | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Kohlrabicremesuppe A,L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | KohlrabicRemesuppe A, L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Kohlrabicremesuppe A,L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | KohlrabicRemesuppe A, L | Link |
Baschly | Meat | Gebackener Fisch mit Petersilienkartoffeln | Link | |
Baschly | Meat | Baked fish with parsley potatoes | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Basmati-Falafel-Teller mit Pita | Link | |
Baschly | Veggie | Basmati falafel plate with Pita | Link | |
Das Campus Hot Stuff | Das Campus Hot Stuff only posts their lunch options on Facebook, so please follow the link to your right if you want to access their menu. | Link | ||
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Tempura Garnelen mit Reis und Salat | Link | |
Finn | ASIA BOX TO GO | Tempura shrimp with rice and salad | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Gebratene Barbarie Entenbrust mit Rotkraut | Link | |
Finn | M1 | Fried barbarie duck breast with red cabbage | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Gegrillter Oktopus mit Rosmarin-Erdäpfeln und Ratatouille | Link | |
Finn | M2 | Grilled octopus with rosemary sticks and ratatouille | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Eingemachtes Kohlrabigemüse mit Rösti Veggie | Link | |
Finn | M3 | Neginent cabbage jack with rösti veggie | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Red Thai Chicken | Link | |
Finn | M4 | Red Thai Chicken | Link | |
Finn | M5 | Lachs Bento | Link | |
Finn | M5 | Salmon Bento | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Frittatensuppe | Link | |
Finn | Soup | Fried tasting soup | Link | |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Fish & Chipsmit Erbsenpüree (ACDGL) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Fisch & Fleisch | Fish & Chipsmit Erbsen puree (acdgl) | 14.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Cannellonimit Ricotta-Spinat-Füllung (AGLO) | 13.90 | Link |
Glashaus | Vegetarisch | Cannelloni with ricotta spinach filling (AGLO) | 13.90 | Link |
Mensa | Gebackener Seelachs | Petersil-Erdäpfel | Sc. Tartare A,C,D,G,M | Link | ||
Mensa | Baked salmon |Petersil Erdäpfel |Sc.Tartare A, C, D, G, M | Link | ||
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Gebackener Seelachs | Petersil-Erdäpfel | Sc. Tartare A,C,D,G,M | Link | |
Mensa | Bowls & Co | Baked salmon |Petersil Erdäpfel |Sc.Tartare A, C, D, G, M | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | XXX | Link | |
Mensa | Global & Grill | XXX | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Gebackener Seelachs | Petersil-Erdäpfel | Sc. Tartare A,C,D,G,M | Link | |
Mensa | Meaty | Baked salmon |Petersil Erdäpfel |Sc.Tartare A, C, D, G, M | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Hausgemachte Pasta (A) Hausgemachte Gnocchi (A,C,G) wahlweise Tomatensauce oder Pesto Rinder Bolognese Aufpreis | Link | |
Mensa | Pasta & Co | Homemade pasta (a) homemade gnocchi (a, c, g) optionally tomato sauce or pesto cattle bolognese surcharge | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Chili Con Planted | Ciabatta A,F,L,M | Link | |
Mensa | Powered by plants 100% plant based or Veggie | Chili con planningCiabatta A, F, L, M | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Klare Gemüsesuppe | Einlage A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Soup Deal | Clear vegetable soup |Inlay A, C, G, L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Klare Gemüsesuppe | Einlage A,C,G,L | Link | |
Mensa | Tagesuppe | Clear vegetable soup |Inlay A, C, G, L | Link |